World Renew was founded on justice. We believe God calls us to pursue that justice for every child, every woman, and every man. Over the years, the actions we have taken to work towards peace have grown in scope and boldness. The work starts with listening to communities, and it depends on you.


World Renew was founded on justice. We believe God calls us to pursue that justice for every child, every woman, and every man. Over the years, the actions we have taken to work towards peace have grown in scope and boldness. The work starts with listening to communities, and it depends on you.

Our Peace & Justice Work

Today, we are inviting you to create a way forward for young women. Many women and girls living in poverty feel like there is no hope – no way out of the heartbreak of gender-based violence and inequality.

Your gift will equip us to offer hope to girls and women in vulnerable communities as we work to prevent gender-based violence and global inequality.

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Climate Change

The effects of a shifting climate are felt most acutely in developing countries like Kenya and Bangladesh. Your support goes both towards prevention and response: advocacy as well as training in sustainable farming of climate adaptable crops.

Gender Justice

When you join in World Renew’s work of gender justice, more girls complete their education, remain single throughout childhood, and gain access to leadership development in their own communities.

Ending Conflict

Ending conflict starts with building a solid foundation for peace and justice. World Renew’s programming focuses on training skilled leaders, creating trauma healing groups, and encouraging strong community ties to prevent violence. When you give, you create lasting hope.

Learn more in our capability statement
Counting up hope.
gender justice groups launched in communities around the world.
Counting up hope.
communities have learned to protect their food source amidst climate change.

Give to Peace and Justice

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